These videos are for female visitors and expats living in Amsterdam and the Netherlands. It shows how to dress like a Dutch girl, so that you won't stand out and might even make friends while being there.
It's Friday night, nail polish, makeup, wine and girlfriends at the ready!But what do you wear? Here's a little number for all the brunettes out there :)
In this video I'm turning the pages of a magazine about Macrame. Relax, unwind, and enjoy this old journal about Macrame. I hope some ideas from the Magazine come in handy. (Name of this journal: "Masche Die Makramee" 1984)
I don't know about you guys but I love to have colors incorporated on to my makeup...especially during spring/summer times! So here I have a quick makeup tutorial using NYX jumbo pencils which are inexpensive and soo pretty! I hope you guys enjoy this quick look! If you recreate this look make sure to tag me #jennykestler :D
Have you ever heard the expression "Dress for Success" or "Clothes Make the Man"? When you're wearing a perfectly fitted designer shirt, something inside just shouts, "I look good" and when you genuinely think that, those feeling are radiated outward to all your come in contact with. That said, what kind of designer shirt are you interested in, a bargain basement discount, or one tailored made, outlining your best features?
Matthew Whelan changed his name to "His Royal Majesty Body Art, King of Ink Land" and he is a strong supporter of body branding and face branding. He even got his eyeball tattooed!
Katie wanted to make a difference in the world, and thanks to the ACUVUE 1-DAY Contest, and Disney Channel star and singer, Bridgit Mendler, her dream became a reality. Watch ACUVUE's video below and check out our tips on how you too can begin the transformation and motivate others to make a difference.
Hey dolls! I love my new infrared hair straightening iron by MUK. I thought it was a gimmick but really, the technology makes sense. I love that you can adjust the temperature unlike GHD straighteners. So if you if have fine hair you can turn it down and if you have thick crazy hair like me you can turn the bad boy up!
Hey dolls! I have to share the secret of Copper peptides with you all. I don't know why it's taken me so long to jump on this band wagon because the science and studies behind the product are amazing!
Glamorous Nail Art is all what you need to spice up your dreary looks. No need to visit professional salons as you can get this elegant nail art design at the comforts of your home !!!
Just wanted to share my latest new nail polish with all nail lovers in this video of mine! This is just a casual video for fun sake and is NOT a how to tutorial :-)
Lisa Eldridge is one of the most preeminent makeup artists in the fashion editorial space today, working with nearly every A-list female in Hollywood. Her blog is full of interesting tutorials and articles, and Eldridge recently posted a fascinating interview with Madeleine Marsh, historian and author of Compacts and Cosmetics: Beauty from Victorian Times to the Present Day.
Pucker up! We've got lots of amazing makeup artists here on WonderHowTo, but photographer Paige Thompson's animals-as-lipstick are so cute, they're almost kissable (except for the ton of makeup you'd end up ingesting).
A new study from John Rogers of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign promises an exciting new tech-chic addition to the world of body modification: flexible, implantable LEDs that would radiate sub-dermal luminescence. Just imagine the possibilities.
Competition was fierce. Tensions ran high. National honor and pride were at stake. 354 competitors from 24 countries. 30,000 visitors. Fibreglass tip and overlay. Gel sculpture. Fantasy nail art. Acrylic nail sculpture.
Every day of the week, WonderHowTo curators are hard at work, scouring the web for the greatest and most inspiring how-to videos. Every Friday, we'll highlight our favorite finds.
Every day of the week, WonderHowTo curators are hard at work, scouring the web for the greatest and most inspiring how-to videos. Every Friday, we'll highlight our favorite finds.
Nylon Magazine recreates world renown makeup artist Topolino's dangerous thorn manicure. (Topolino was a wiz who has worked with the likes of Alexander McQueen, among other fashion stars).
Every day of the week, WonderHowTo curators are hard at work, scouring the web for the greatest and most inspiring how-to videos. Every Friday, we'll highlight our favorite finds.
Where would we be without science? Not everybody's alwaysfresh as a daisy; try Odegon Technologies' iron-on "Odour Tags". When attached to clothing, the patches capture your odoriferous molecules in a carbon mesh. Somehow the patches don't come off in the wash and run about 18 bucks for a pack of six.
Julia Gnuse of California has been officially named the most tattooed woman in the world by the Guiness Book of World Records. Gnuse began her tattoo compulsion when she was first diagnosed with porphyria,a disease that causes the skin to blister when exposed to sunlight. When the only medicinal alternative could possibly lead to blindness, Gnuse decided to camoflauge the burns with tattoos instead.
Jezebel is back with another beauty basic: how to achieve a flawless, perfectly applied lipstick look. Lots of questions were posed, and hundreds of user answers sifted through. Sampling below, click through for all of Jezebel's selected tips.
Ah, the art of applying eyeliner. Bad habit of going just a weee bit too heavy? Having a hard time keeping your line nice and steady? Is it really supposed to go INSIDE the outer edge of your eye? Jezebel received a flood of woes such as these, and therefore asked their readers to send in all of their best eyeliner tips.
Wow, who knew facial hair could be so artful? Presenting Matthew Rainwaters' Beardfolio, a treasure chest of wicked whiskers, burly bristles and striking sideburns.
I have to say, this is one beauty pageant I wish I had attended. The Nail Queen 2009 Awards Ceremony was held at the Tokyo Nail Expo 2009 this past November.
No joke, Heward Dental Lab offers customized tooth tattoos at a reasonable price. Plus, they only stay permanent as long as you'd like them to - "they can easily be removed in five minutes in the dentist's office with just a little grinding with a rubber wheel."
Henna. Beautiful, fun, exotic... and best of all... Do-It-Yourself (with a little practice). Also, unlike tattoos, it's temporary. Henna generally lasts for 1-3 weeks. An ancient tradition, henna is believed to "bring love and good fortune, and to protect against evil."
OK, so Halloween is over. However, I couldn't resist posting Michelle Phan's Sailor Moon/Manga makeup tutorial. Michelle makes incredible beauty tutorials (don't miss her Lady Gaga look!).
Usain Bolt of Jamaica broke his own world record, running 100m in 9.69 seconds to win the Olympic gold medal. All the while his left shoe lace was untied.
In case you missed it, we're in the middle of an election! Move over Obama and McCain, the WonderHowTo Awards have the best candidates! Issue of the day-- healthcare, more specifically zit care.